What if people have negative expectations of your language skills
Recently, I heard bestselling author Tim Ferriss mentioning that what helped him grow and experiment was that people around him, at that time, had so low expectations of him. It took the pressure out of the experience, because it gave him the permission to fail. Typically, we want the people around us to be encouraging and telling us that they believe in us and in our potential. Psychological research on this issue is, of course, mixed. Why? Because, as with many other practical questions, the results depend on a number of factors. Whether people around us have high or low expectations of us is most probably not the only or even decisive factor. However, human beings have a preference for mono-causality. We want to interpret events by a single cause. Now, what can we say, based on research and personal experience? Yes, for some people, it may take a lot pressure from us, if we are not expected to be successful. This, of course, can take a wider spectrum of manifestations...